50 Holiday Foods You Shouldn’t Eat


‘Tis the season to be jolly—and pack on pounds indulging in rich, fattening fare. Here are 50 holiday foods you and your family should avoid, along with healthier options that only taste indulgent!

Here are 50 holiday diet hazards you and your family should avoid, along with healthier options that only taste indulgent!

If you simply can’t resist a calorie-laden holiday favorite, make sure to keep portions small.

Tis the Season for Deductibles to be Fill


Many people have reached their insurance deductibles for the year, which means they can receive healthcare at a much lower out of pocket cost.

For many people, the end of the year is the best time to take care of healthcare issues that have been lingering. The sore back, the hurting knee, achy neck that patients try to ignore should be checked out before 2015 if patients want to save money. This is because many people have reached their insurance deductibles for this year, which means they can receive healthcare at a much lower out of pocket cost. For many people, insurance deductibles reset at the beginning of the calendar year. If a deductible has been reached for 2014, now is the time to schedule any imaging services. It will cost them much less out of pocket if they do this now instead of waiting until next year.”
In addition, health savings accounts (HSAs) do not roll over in many instances. For individuals that utilize these accounts, money not used in 2014 will not be available for use in 2014. Many patients this time of year take advantage of HSA funds before the money is lost.

Medica Forsyth Imaging as a freestanding facility, cost hundreds and thousands of dollars less than area competitors, patients can be prepared to save a considerable amount of money.

Do Cleanses Really Work?

Weight Loss is Typical; No Evidence of Toxin Reduction

Should you invest in cleanses ahead of the holiday season to look your fittest?


In the run-up to the holidays, many are focused on fitting into their festive finery. A quick fix: doing a cleanse. Whether incorporating only juice or some actual food, cleanse programs are on the rise—sales of superpremium juice totaled more than $1.4 billion last year, up from around $1 billion since 2010, according to the consulting firm Beverage Marketing. But do these meal-replacement plans really help to shed pounds and eliminate toxins? One expert, Linda Lee, director of the Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center in Maryland, explains why juicing can feel good and the perils of purging.

National Influenza Vaccination Week is Dec. 8-14!


This season, National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW) takes place from December 8-14, 2013. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) established NIVW in 2005 to highlight the importance of continuing flu vaccination through the holiday season and beyond. All around the country, NIVW events including a press briefing, radio interviews, health fairs, flu clinics, social media events, and educational opportunities will emphasize the importance of flu vaccination.


Family Meltdowns: When Everyone Is Arguing and No One Is Listening

Experts Say Family Fights Flare Up During the Holidays When There Is Unresolved Conflict

A family tantrum—where everyone is arguing and no one is listening—often starts when one person (the ‘trigger’) takes offense at a real or imagined slight. But there are usually bigger issues at stake.

It started with a blueberry scone. In their suite at a London hotel—with a view of the Kyoto Garden in Holland Park and the sound of harp music wafting up from the lobby—Heather Tobin’s two sisters both reached for the last scone on the breakfast tray at the very same moment.

One sister grabbed it. The other tried to swipe it away. The two women, in their 20s at the time, bickered and then quickly moved on to insults: “Do you have jet lag, or is this your own usual selfish self?” one asked. “I’m glad I don’t have to live in the same house with you anymore,” the other shot back.


Elizabeth Bernstein