Stroke vs. Aneurysm: What is the Difference?


Stroke is a life-threatening medical emergency that affects the brain. Aneurysm may be confused with stroke because an aneurysm in the brain can lead to a stroke.

Both conditions are the result of diseased blood vessel walls. Some risk factors and symptoms are shared, but there are key differences. 

Brain changes seen in youth football players without concussion


Credit: Radiological Society of North America

Researchers have found measurable brain changes in children after a single season of playing youth football, even without a concussion diagnosis, according to a new study.

MR images of left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (top) before and (middle) after the playing season, and (bottom) the overlay. In the overlay (bottom), the red region is after the season and the blue region is before the season.





A few months ago, my family celebrated my mom’s birthday at our favorite jazz club. As the second set began, a strong odor filled the air, and I turned to see an older man stumble to our table, dancing. His hair was unkempt and his face was worn, like sun-beaten leather. Within minutes, a server ushered the man out of the lounge. For the next few days, I thought a lot about that older man. This person, much like us in his quest for a good time and some refuge from the cold night air, was shunned from a public space in a way that the rest of us weren’t. This person was treated like a second-class citizen because he appeared to not have a home to call his own.

Five Reasons to Fall in Love with Autumn

Here are five things about the season that will bring out the autumn lover in you.
Enjoy the Season

When you feel that first crisp breeze, you know that summer is gone and fall is in the air. Every season has its upside; however, autumn has a particular beauty to it. Lovers of the season revel in its unique ability to turn the world into one big canvas with nature’s paintbrush.

From warm apple cider to camping trips, there are so many reasons to enjoy fall. Here are five things about the season that will bring out the autumn lover in you.

US surgeon general sends warning letter to all doctors on opioid epidemic


Why are opioids so addictive?

CNN)In the next few days, every doctor in the United States will be receiving this letter (PDF) from the US surgeon general.

It’s the first time that America’s top doctor has reached out to all physicians.
But Dr. Vivek Murthy has an urgent reason: Americans are dying each year by the tens of thousands from overdoses of prescription painkillers such as Oxycontin and Vicodin.