Keeping Our Brains Sharp: 4 Essential Ways ~

We all have our share of embarrassing and annoying moments like when we forget where we put our glasses or keys, realize that our shopping list was left at home, or when we do not recognize our friends’ faces. Situations like these are perfectly normal and may increase in occurrence as we age. Fortunately, there are certain things we can do to remedy such circumstances, helping us achieve healthier and sharper brains throughout our golden years.

Speaking of which, here are five methods to help you increase brain power:


It is important for us to continually engage in mentally stimulating activities. This means going beyond established patterns of conduct and thinking. For instance, instead of brushing your teeth with your dominant hand, you can try doing it with the other, or think of innovative ways we can use paper clips aside from its usual functions. Activities like these help your brain to remain sharp. In addition, they also prevent the development of memory loss due to aging. Aside from the activities mentioned, you can also try other mind-stimulating games such as Sudoku or chess.


This may come as a surprise, but eating seafood, specifically fish, can lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by as much as 60%. The reason behind this astounding discovery is that some kinds of fish, especially those found in cold water such as cod and salmon, contain rich amounts of DHA, a certain type of Omega 3 fatty acids. Aside from proper development and growth, these substances are also essential in keeping the brain at its optimum health and functioning. And to encourage you more, eating sea foods will help reduce our brain deterioration by as much as 10% per year.


There is no aspect in our lives that exercise does not positively affect. From our physical to emotional and even mental health, engaging in physical activities provides a host of benefits. What happens is that when we work out our hearts pump more blood to our brains, carrying the essential nutrients that they need such as glucose and oxygen. Components such as these help our minds stay sharp and function more effectively.


As surprising as it may sound, thinking of happy memories can keep our minds healthy and strong. In addition, it also increases our information processing capabilities. One study even shows that those who frequently relieve beautiful memories lowers their risk of developing mind cognitive problems by as much as 60%. Not only that, but adults who are less stressed and feel more happy have high scores in tests concerning memory functions. So, whenever we feel stressed and caught up by the daily hassles of life, all we need to do is close our eyes and think of those wonderful memories that made us smile and laugh.

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